Friends of the Library


The Friends of the Jesup Public Library was established to provide long-term financial support to enhance the services and collections of the library...for both today and tomorrow.

There are many ways for individuals to contribute - and all contributions are tax deductible.

  • Cash gifts: Immediate support for the Friends of the Library
  • Bequests: Provide future support for the Friends of the Library
  • Memorial Gifts: Provide a special tribute for a loved one by making a gift.


The Friends of the Jesup Public Library is a group of people who have  joined together to form a non-profit support organization for the Jesup Public Library.


1.    To improve the services and resources of the library.

2.    To promote citizen involvement in library activities

3.    To engage in fundraising events to provide funding for additional programs that could not otherwise be attempted..



 Who can be a Friend? Anyone with a desire to see the Jesup Public Library thrive and grow and who has a willingness to be a part of that growth.

How does one join?  Submit a membership form which can be obtained at the library or fill out a form online at




Name(s): ____________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

City: _____________________________       State: ________________  


Telephone: ________________________



          Individual Yearly          $   10.00    __________

          Couple Yearly              $   20.00    __________

          Individual Lifetime        $ 100.00    __________

          Couple Lifetime            $200.00    __________


Please make check payable to:  City of Jesup, Friends of the Public Library or use this link to pay your Friends Membership online:

Membership dues, donations and all contributions to the Friends of the Jesup Public Library are tax deductible.